Tuesday 25 June 2013

Plant stem cells for hair growth

Stem cells have been a hot topic for the past decade as many researchers and scientist are working on it.  Initially there was a debate to use them or not and finally researchers have found the way to make use of these infallible stem cells. Stem cells derived from plants base have gained popularity as they are very potent and show remarkable changes.

How powerful are plant stem cells?

Cells in any organism have been designed for various purposes, for example a skin cell is specially designed for skin and a brain cell is for the brain. The stem cells are considered as the building blocks and it plays a significant role in cellular regeneration. Stem cells are very potent and they can generate into different types of cells and they can also repair and replace damaged cells by dividing unlimitedly. When the new cells are born, they again become stem cells or can also develop into special cells through a process called differentiation.

Hair regeneration

For many years, restricting hair loss, hair conditioning and hair rejuvenation were some of the areas of focus of the hair treatment. Existing hair was nourished and hair fall was prevented; however, hair regeneration was difficult till the discovery of stem cells therapy. Using this therapy, treatment can be given to people who suffer severe hair loss and baldness.

The working of stem cells to regenerate hair is pretty simple. Once the cells dwelling on the scalp dies; the cells ability to develop hair again also goes away. These dead cells when replaced with new cells which are developed using the plant stems allow the scalp to grow hair again. The plant stem cells have the ability to reduce the hair follicle regression, induce new hair follicle formation, revitalize and protect the dermal hair papilla and promote hair regeneration.

Let’s delve into the two potent plant stem cells namely Argan stem cells and Apple stem cells.

Apple stem cells

An apple a day not only keeps the doctor away but even keeps hair loss away. Stem cells of a rare variety of apple tree the Uttwiler Spatlauber is used to treat hair problems. The apple extract is known as PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica. Scientist identified its potency in preventing sun damage, wrinkles and they were also useful to stimulate hair growth. When these cells are used to treat hair problems, they gave wondrous results as they keep the follicle cells healthy and delay aging. The cellular renewal is maintained at good level by these stem cells as they are capable of working at the cellular level. Apple stem cells also act on the dormant hair follicles, stimulate them and aid healthy hair growth.

Argan stem cells

Argania Spinosa fruit stem cells are extracted from the berber tree from Morocco.  At the end of the every hair bulb is located the dermal papilla in which resides the dermal progenitor stem cells. These stem cells play a pivotal role in forming the hair follicle and it also aids hair growth. Argan stem cells which are also known as PhytoCellTec Argan delays the depletion rate of these cells, acts on the dormant cells, stimulates it and also fastens the natural repair process. Its aim is to fight the ageing of all the hair follicles.

These stem cells are proven to curtail hair loss and aids regeneration, this would probably make a world of difference to many people living across the globe. Going forward, men and women need to shy away from people due to their baldness and hair loss; no more worry, now they can look and feel confident and shun the mockery of their colleagues and peers.

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